One Simple Move For A More Majestic Beard

A while ago I did an instructional video on how to grow out your beard. It was well received, especially given that it was only four seconds long, and consisted of me saying "let it". Let it go. Let 'er rip. Let your freak flag fly.

That is, of course, the main beard-growing strategy. There is, however, a tactic that will make your beard awesome regardless of length. I am currently rocking a pretty short beard, at least by my standards. There is no loss of awesomeness. And in fact, with my tried and true method, new awesomenesses would be discovered in I cropped the beard even shorter.

The key, ladies and gentlemen, is simply this: grow out your mustache. Let it be full, but more importantly, let it run past your lips. This does wonders for the manly appearance of the whole beard and face.

Now, I understand that wifey might not like this. I can tell you that my own wife doesn't love kissing mustache, but loves me being manly, in any way. So what's a couple of lost kisses for the two of you when man is so much sexier than he was even a few short weeks ago?

Override her objections. She'll thank you later.
