The Spy Who Haunted Me

The Spy Who Haunted Me (Secret Histories, #3) The Spy Who Haunted Me by Simon R. Green

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Harry Dresden meets Ian Fleming. I haven't read any of his other series, but these Secret Histories involving the Droods (from the Druids) and their quest to protect the human race of all enemies foreign and domestic, magical and scientific, space-alien and demon and former Soviet spy, is great fun.

It is sometimes wearying to have to encompass the meeting on our little plane of untold numbers of dimensions, unplumbed depths of spiritual and magical powers heavenly, satanic, and eldritch, adding to that the occasional space alien. But since it's what Mr. Green wants, and he entertains me while he's at it, it's fine with me.

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