A Sumpterous Feast

Many of you have visited Toby Sumpter's Having Two Legs in the past, when posting was excellent but sporadic. And there have been several interludes in the blog's life in which this reader thought to himself, "Wonder if that dude's ever going to post again?"

Well, now that dude's my pastor, is doing an excellent job, and is posting with higher frequency than ever before. I would dare to say that he posts daily-plus. Family life, etcetera (he has a charming family); musings galore; his meditations and sermons. And let me tell you boys and girls that his eucharistic meditations are always worth meditating upon.

So visit, get to find out about my church (even though you're nearly all hundreds of miles away), and get to know Toby Sumpter. Or just rediscover Toby.
