Secretary's Day & Sympathy For The Devil

Last Wednesday was National Administrative Professionals Day, and it passed by unnoticed here in my office. To my surprise, yesterday (Friday), I was given a balloon frog, chocolate (secretaries, let's be honest, that's what I am, love chocolate), and a book.

A book, you say?

Yes. Pastor Clark gave me a boxed edition of Milton's L'Allegro and Il Penseroso on beautiful vellum paper, illustrations by Blake, and set up so that if you open one cover you get one title, and if you flip the book then turn it over to open it, you get the other title. Fun book. I love on Milton. Pastor Clark has this perverse love for the Romantics that I just can't get into, so there's Blake, featured, the man who sympathised with the Devil when he read Paradise Lost and thought it inevitable that every reader do so, and even suspected Milton might have meant for it to be that way. I guess it was inevitable to a humanist way of thinking; maybe that's why there were worms in his heart.

Point is, great National Administrative Professionals Day gift. Thanks.

Oh, and the font's now bigger, thanks to a pushy "suggestion" by Mr. Traskos.
