Speaking Tour 2015 Info

This is an informational page. Dates listed here.

Come on, you ol' time cowboys, and listen to my song.

It's time to announce a big announcement, yea verily, the announcement you've been waiting a lifetime to hear. Drumroll please...

A Joffre The Giant Summer Speaking Tour!

What?!? Yes!

Here's what I'd like you to do. We already have some stops set, but if you'd like Joffre The Giant to stop by your town, email me and we'll look at setting it up. The tour will start at the end of June and go through June. I will be visiting towns all over the Southeast, across the country and into the Pacific Northwest. The Northeast is out, but everything else is pretty much fair game for consideration. You the reader/viewer can help me put this tour together.

The title of my primary talk is Sing Loud, Laugh Hard & Live Large: The Power of Joyful and Exuberant Living. It is designed particularly for Christian men and men's groups. The purpose of the tour is to encourage churches across the country with a message of joyful, exuberant, and grateful Gospel, to share my passion for these truths, and provide practical tips and encouragements for churches to develop a ministry of joy & Christian hedonism to their communities.

The ultimate reason for this trip is to raise support for our missionary work in Brazil. There will not be any direct solicitation for that, but people will be shown how they can support and interact with Joffre The Giant, for example, through my Patreon. The trip is paying for itself, which means that it might not take much at all to get me into your town!

To be clear: I want you guys to help me set my calendar. I want you to tell me I should come to your town.

There are three ways we can make that can happen.

1. Hanging out. You and a few of your buddies (10?) invite me to hang out with you at a local pub, men's church group, book shop, or tobacco shop, and we discuss all things manly. Or I give my talk. Or whatever. You all pool together some money, or make a small event of it by inviting some extra friends, and off we go. Minimum: $150 and a place to spend the night.

2. Church/group event. For a church or larger men's group, maybe starting around 20 people all the way to filling up a stadium. Includes an afterparty/hanging out, of course. I mean, of course. Minimum: $400 and a place to spend the night. Visualization aid: that would be 25 people at $16. Or 40 at $10.

3. Church sponsorship. Your church or group can sponsor the Joffre The Giant event for $800. Or, you know, more.

Dates for the tour will be June 20-July 14. I will be in the Southeast June 20 until around July 3, which is the largest chunk of time. We'll then spend a week in the Midwest, then in the Northwest from around July 10 to July 17.

As I said, if you'd like to see The Giant in your town, please write me. I'll close the conversation on June 18, and will begin publishing dates next week. Anchor dates have already been set.


  1. Will you be posting your confirmed schedules? Wondering if I might be able to participate in an event already scheduled. Would love to meet you in person and shake your giant hand!

    1. That would be excellent. Yes, I'll be posting that in just a few days.


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