KG to Sager: Burn It

Wow. I feel a little sorry for Craig Sager, especially because I actually think he looks fantastaliciously awesome. I mean, seriously, an outfit like that comes with a little extra bagginess in the shorts to accommodate the cojones it would take to wear it. I can only admire. Pink jacket, striped shirt, polka dot tie, two different colors in the kerchief, red slacks, red socks, red leather shoes. So good. But I also enjoy K.G. sending Sager up.

Rubbing a little salt in the wound, the camera goes back to the TNT Four back in studio, and Kenny "The Jet" Smith is lookin' good (although his sweater vest is a bit baggy).

Thanks to Rich Gall, who used to blog with me back when this thing was The High Post.


  1. Doubtlessly he could use a little advice, poor fellow, but 'burn it' isn't very helpful. With the exception of the shoes, all of that stuff is wearable, just not at the same time. The guy in the studio has is right. I suppose it could be worse, however. K.G. could have lent him his earring.


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